Ultimate Callout Challenge: Sled Pull and Awards Presentation
Day Three: Sled Pull and Awards Presentation
The field of competitors had narrowed entering the third day of the inaugural Ultimate Callout Challenge, but the competition was still very intense with 16 trucks making hooks in the sled-pull competition.
Six of the original 23 competitors were unable to compete in the sled-pull portion of the event, due to various problems that resulted from punishing their truck during the previous two days of competition on the chassis dyno and drag strip. Lavon Miller was the leader heading into day three, followed by Derek Rose and Ryan Milliken, who rounded out the top three.
Knowing that a lot of points were up for grabs with a good pull—and that even the leaders could falter, as happened the day before on the drag strip—drivers were willing to push their trucks harder than ever to earn maximum points and challenge for the win.
Wet Start
Things got difficult even before the trucks hit the track, with a large storm that rolled through the Salt Lake Valley the night before and into the afternoon the next day—forcing the track crew to completely rework the track before the first truck could even hook to the sled. Additionally, a hydraulic fitting on the sled broke during the test hooks, further placing the pull in question. Perseverance paid off, though, and each of the remaining 16 competitors were allowed up to two attempts to drag the sled.
The first round was so brutal that only 10 drivers brought their trucks back to make a second hook, with the others standing on their score from the first round. Zach Fuller and his Duramax were the last pullers in the first round, but dominated the field, putting nearly 60 feet on second place’s Shawn Baca; Andrew Tavornik came in third and point leader Lavon Miller came in fourth, hoping to hold onto his point lead.
Second Chances
As the 10 drivers who opted to make a second pull attempt took to the track, tension was thick in anticipation of crowning the overall winner of UCC #1. If Miller could not improve upon his first hook, and another contender put up a distance like Fuller did in the first round, he might lose his grip on the lead.
Miller hooked second in the second round, putting up a monster 360-foot pull that led the standings. That is until Chase Fleece (driving Danick St. Pierre’s Ryan Milliken entry) pulled in the eighth position, dragging the sled an astounding 373 feet to take the pull-event win over Miller and Fuller in second and third.
When the dust settled, and the points were tallied for the overall UCC Championship, Miller managed to hold onto his lead and take the overall win. But, if he hadn’t come through with that 360-foot pull in the second round, the Ryan Milliken entry would have taken the crown. Second place went to the Ryan Milliken entry of Danick St. Pierre, with Shawn Baca finishing in third, and placing each of the individual event winners on the overall podium.
Stay tuned here to Diesel World for information regarding the next edition of the UCC, as we know you’ll want to be there. DW
16th Pull/14th Overall, Ryan Landfield, RKL Diesel, 153.90 feet
15th Pull/16th Overall, Shawn Ellerton, Canadian Rednecks, 163.23 feet
14th Pull/13th Overall, Chris Rosscup, Deviant Race Parts, 172.20 feet
13th Pull/15th Overall, Dan Madden, Diesel Pickup Specialists, 234.51 feet
12th Pull/9th Overall, Justin Hyatt, Husker Diesel, 235.25 feet
11th Pull/10th Overall, Randy Reyes, Randy’s Transmissions, 238.99 feet
10th Pull/11th Overall, Rob Coddens, ATP Trucks, 245.95 feet

9th Pull/12th Overall, Dustin VanWingerden, Screamin Diesel Performance, 251.05 feet

8th Pull/5th Overall, Derek Rose, DNR Customs, 273.77 feet

7th Pull/8th Overall, Andrew Tovornik, Midget Diesel, 285.89 feet

6th Pull/3rd Overall, Shawn Baca, Industrial Injection, 300.91 feet

5th Pull/6th Overall, Jesse Warren, Warren’s Diesel, 327.50 feet

4th Pull/4th Overall, Donovan Harris, Armor Inc, 346.58 feet

3rd Pull/7th Overall, Zach Fuller, Starlite Diesel, 360.39 feet

1st Pull/2nd Overall, Ryan Milliken, Hardway Performance, 373.03 feet

Ultimate Callout Challenge Champion!
Lavon Miller
Firepunk Diesel
2211-HP/3309-TQ (2nd best Dyno overall)
8.50 Seconds (1st overall drags)
360.88-feet Pull (2nd best pull overall)
Miller’s first-round hook left the door open for the competition to snatch away the overall win, coming in at only 281 feet. But, the low-slung Dodge turned into a dirt-devouring beast on the pull track for its second hook, as it clawed its way to another second-place event finish with a 360-foot pull. The Firepunk Diesel crew built a great truck that was perfect for the multi-faceted UCC event, finishing either first or second in every event to take the overall win by over 170 points. In the end, the Firepunk crew was first in the drags and came in second in each other event. No one was more deserving of the win than Lavon Miller and his crew.