Diesel News – Diesel Vs Electric Battle, New Engine Design and more

Truck Of The Week

Super Duty Resurrection

Ever brought a truck back from the dead? That’s literally what Stroke Works Diesel Specialties of Twin Falls, Idaho did with this Super Duty. After the previous owner blew a front tire at highway speed and the truck was thrown off of a steep embankment, it was totaled (and then some). For a price Stroke Works couldn’t pass up, the ravaged truck was purchased and they set to work rebuilding it. Now it sits on a new frame, sports a new body (except for the passenger doors and firewall), a ’99-’10 bed, new front cooler pack, and the obvious color change. For a shop that doesn’t perform auto body work, things turned out just about perfect.

Source: https://strokeworksdiesel.com/



Drag Racing

Diesel vs. Electric

The infamous quad cab third-gen Cummins owned by Firepunk Diesel’s Lavon Miller vs. a Tesla Model S Plaid at the track… Is this the best drag race we’ll see this year? The two vehicles battled it out at Xenia, Ohio’s Kil-Kare Dragway recently—and you have to admit the EV is impressive. The stats on the left were put up by the Tesla and the Cummins’ stats—turned out by a truck that spends most of its time competing in the 6.70 eighth-mile Index class at ODSS events—are on the right. While the 7,500-pound Dodge won the race to the 60-foot mark, the Plaidy took over from there, culminating in a 9.67 quarter-mile at 147 mph.

Source: https://shop.firepunk.com/


WP Diesel Is shooting For New 68RFE Records

Wilson Patterson Diesel has its sights set on bringing a big 68RFE party to the 2022 Scheid Diesel Extravaganza. Following several breakthroughs with the Chrysler six-speed platform, owner Ethan Patterson has them in testing at present and plans to set a new 68RFE horsepower record and eighth-mile record in August. That’s all fine and good, but we like his ultimate goal: no more 48RE swaps! Having to ditch the extra gears in favor of 20-year-old technology may be a thing of the past for race-ready, late-model 6.7L-powered Rams if Patterson is successful.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/wilsonpattersondieselperformance


Certified For 8.50s

After a trip to Firepunk, ODSS up-and-comer Collin Edwards has an ’05 Silverado that’s certified to run 8.50s in the quarter-mile. The recently-caged regular cab Duramax came onto the seen in 2021, competing in the 7.70 Index category. Now, the new chassis certification backs up Collin and his father’s plans to bump up to the 6.70 field—and eventually even go 5.90. The last time we looked, the truck was running Exergy fuel, Stainless Diesel’s S485 Godfather, and Dirty Hooker Diesel’s old Allison 1000 out of its 5-second Pro Street truck. We look forward to seeing what Collin and the truck can do this season, regardless which they’re in.

Source: https://www.outlawdieselss.com/




The Joys Of EGR

How bad can EGR get? Unfortunately, this is a common sight for EGR-equipped Volkswagen Jetta TDI’s—even the 20-year-old versions. Over time, the carbon buildup in the intake manifold (and even the cylinder head) of an ALH Jetta quipped with the old 1.9L TDI can nearly restrict all flow into the engine. Lack of power, lower mpg, and sometimes a car that can’t even reach 50-mph are all symptoms of a plugged intake manifold. The most time consuming part of a job like this is clearing the passageways. Removing and reinstalling the intake manifold and EGR valve is the easy part.


Achates Heavy-Duty Opposed Piston Engine Enters Fleet Trials

Achates Power has announced that its 10.6L three-cylinder opposed piston diesel engine—developed in a project funded by CARB—has entered fleet service with WalMart Corporation in California. The opposed piston power plant boasts decreased heat losses, lower pumping losses, and cleaner combustion than traditional over-the-road diesel engines, and is also the only diesel engine on the road capable of meeting CARB’s 2027 low NOx emission regulation. The engine makes use of a conventional underfloor DPF and SCR emission aftertreatment system, and notably doesn’t require a dual dosing SCR system to meet the coming NOx standards. The demonstration vehicle housing the Achates Power engine is a 579 model Peterbilt tractor.

Source: https://dieselnet.com/news/2022/04achates.php


New Diesel Engine Oil Category

With coming emissions standard changes comes the need to ensure proper protection for heavy-duty diesel engines. This is why the Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) has requested a new heavy-duty engine oil performance category: PC-12. The new category will supersede existing API CK-4 and API FA-4 categories. Two sub-categories, which will align with the viscosity divide between API-CK-4 and FA-4, will also stem from the new PC-12 oil. The first sub-category will retain the existing heavy-duty oil criteria and will likely be backward-compatible with API-CH-4, CI-4 (PLUS), CJ-4, and CK-4. The second, lower viscosity category will be geared toward improved fuel economy while maintaining utmost durability.

Source: https://dieselnet.com/news/2022/03pc-12.php

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