Revving Up for 2024

Getting Loaded for 2024

The last few months have been insanely busy with traveling for the summer and fall show & racing season, but thankfully this month we find ourselves taking some down time to relax and catch up on some editing and start planning out the plan of attack for 2024.

On the flip side, I miss spending time with enthusiasts who devote their lives to this scene like I do. It’s always great to be around people who share the same passion, no matter what kind of weather you’re dealing with. I’m stoked to get back to the grind and get ready for our trip to Vegas for SEMA Show and PRI in Indianapolis to link up with our people! Be on the lookout for some awesome features and interviews from those events.

I’m also excited to get my first editorial build going (keep reading this issue to see what I’m talking about) and more so to be working with some of the people in this industry that I have grown up around and watched grow since I got into the “Diesel World” eleven years ago. We hope you enjoy this issue. It’s packed tight with some hand-picked features and stories from the past few months. From a shiny lifted F350 to a ‘92 Dodge with patina to spare, there’s a story for everyone.

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