Study: Diesel Engines Responsible for $3.4 Trillion in US Economy

Despite the growing push for electrification, heavy-duty diesel engines continue to be a mainstay of the US economy, accounting for 11% of the private sector industry.

DW-DIESELNEWS-07According to data compiled by market research firm Rhein Associates and sponsored by the Diesel Technology Forum, heavy-duty diesel engines were directly responsible for $3.4 trillion in US economic activity in 2017. Some of the business sector directly dependent on diesel engines include agriculture, construction, fishing, forestry and logistics industries.

Based on statistics from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, these diesel-dependent industries account for over 11% of all private sector industrial activity in America, equal to the information technology and utility sectors combined. And thanks to advances in clean diesel technology, such industries have grown by 10% over the past decade.

The economic benefits of diesel engines also trickle down to individual salaries. According to the study, diesel engines are directly responsible for roughly 1.25 million jobs in the US, and generate $158 billion in economic value annually. Based on the most recent data, diesel-related jobs also pay more than the national average, paying out about $78,000 per year.

When it comes to diesel engine manufacturing, the report found that most output is concentrated in 13 states. And it’s only fitting that Diesel World’s home, North Carolina, leads the way, producing about one-third of all diesel engines made in the US.

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