Monthly Headlines

If you ever missed out from one of our news stories because of a family event, job issue, or whatever it may be, we made a way for you to keep yourself updated or even get a recap on what’s happened in the diesel community for the month. Keep up with these stories as some may include some recalls or significant business event within the truck community. Additionally if any fun events pop up, the dates will be provided in the stories so you can attend meets, races, pulls, and other truck events. Show your support by sharing these news stories with friends and check out our main posts of diesel content on our home websiteFacebook page, or Instagram page. If you have a diesel ride that you think should be featured on those pages, post pictures of it on Instagram or Facebook, tag Diesel World, and we’ll check it out!

Diesel News 7.2.18

Diesel News 7-9-18

Diesel News 7-16-18

Diesel News 7-23-18

Diesel News 7.30.18

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Diesel News 6-3-19

After FCA’s proposed merger with Renault, it’s apparent that, at least from a cost-savings standpoint, automaker giants may be the way of the future. With the Renault/FCA deal likely to save $5.5 billion if it goes through, a Ford and GM combo would likely yield similar results (a few billion anyway).
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Lawsuit Seeks to Protect Motorized Recreational Access at Oceano Dunes SVRA 

Lawsuit Seeks to Protect Motorized Recreational Access at Oceano Dunes SVRA  SEMA’s joint lawsuit with EcoLogic Partners—a legal collaboration between the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), […]

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