NHRDA Desert Diesel Nationals Drag Race

NHRDA Drag Racing Returns!

NHRDA Drag Racing Returns!

After a 4-year hiatus, the National Hot Rod Diesel Association is back in business and running at full steam ahead. A record crowd turned out at the organization’s Desert Diesel Nationals event in Chandler, Arizona over the weekend, the first stop of five on the NHRDA’s 2023 calendar. Diesel drag racing and truck pulling, a big-rig show ‘n shine with Class 8 trucks as far as the eye could see, jet cars, and a massive manufacturer’s midway brought people from all walks of life through the gate at Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park. And in case you hadn’t heard, the NHRDA season finale will take place in Ennis, Texas from September 15-17 in the form of an East vs. West showdown.

Source: https://nhrda.com/

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