DieselSite Wicked Turbocharger 7.3L Power Stroke

Parts Rack: Wicked Drop-In Turbo

Parts Rack: Wicked Drop-In Turbo

On the hunt for a replacement turbo for your 7.3L workhorse? Why not upgrade while you’re at it? DieselSite’s Wicked Turbo boasts a 66mm Wicked Wheel 2 option that supports up to 250cc injectors, a 1.00 A/R exhaust housing for quick spool up, a 360-degree thrust bearing assembly for added durability at high boost, and a Turbo-Master mechanical wastegate controller. Immediate benefits are reduced EGT, quicker spool-up, more horsepower, and superior surge control and airflow over stock (and other modified turbochargers). Drop-in replacement options are available for 94.5-’97, early ’99, and 99.5-’03 applications.

Source: https://www.dieselsite.com/

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