Wyoming Bill Proposes EV Sales Ban By 2035

Wyoming Bill Proposes EV Sales Ban

Wyoming Bill Proposes EV Sales Ban

As the majority of U.S. states speed toward an all-EV future, legislators in Wyoming are attempting to head in the opposite direction. Recently, Senator Dick Anderson introduced Senate Joint Resolution No. SJ0004, which proposes that the sale of new electric vehicles in Wyoming be phased out by 2035. Sponsors of the bill have conveyed that EV’s don’t make sense in the state due to a lack of infrastructure, as well as the fact that oil and gas production are highly valued industries in the state, creating both revenue and jobs. According to the bill, EV’s will be detrimental to Wyoming’s economy and the state’s ability to efficiently engage in commerce.

Source: https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2023/SJ0004

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