Frantz Oil Filtration Kit
Frantz Oil Filtration Kit
In a performance driven market, spending your hard earned cash on go-fast parts like tuners, exhaust and turbos is most definitely fun and exciting, but one thing that is often overlooked on most trucks is basic fluid maintenance. Spending $100 every 3,000-5,000 miles on engine oil and filters is less than glamourous, but if you care about the longevity of your engine, scheduled engine oil maintenance plays a vital role in your trucks continued life on the road.

For those looking to increase engine life effectively, extend oil change intervals, improve cooling and just save money on oil changes all together, the diesel specific supplemental oil filtration kits from Frantz Oil Filters can help keep that engine running clean for thousands of miles to come. The purpose of the Frantz Filter System is to deliver an endless supply of clean oil to your engine that can surpass what the factory filter can offer. The additional filter kit can be added to most engines in less than 30 minutes and can filter particles nearly 10 times smaller than the stock filter can.
Using a specially designed filter, the Frantz system is added to your engine as a supplemental filter to the factory filter. This additional filter media can remove even the smallest of particles down to 2 micron. The 4.25-inch dense cellulose based filter media basically piggybacks the factory filter and adds a second defense against oil contamination before it returns to the engine.

Through this filter, wear metals, dirt, gummy residue, water, carbon, soot and other abrasives are removed, which can extend the life of the oil, meaning less oil changes while improving the longevity of the engine.
While the test truck used for this installation is still racking up miles on the engine oil before it can be sent off for before/after comparison, Frantz supplied us with outside 3rd part oil tests from a 215,000 6.0L Power Stroke conducted by Blackstone Laboratories. The first sample of oil was taken from the engine with 4,711 miles on the engine oil itself. By just draining enough oil to get an adequate sample to be sent in and tested, the Frantz Filtration kit was added and run for 200 miles before draining all the oil for its normal oil change cycle at 5,000 miles.

The pre-Frantz dirty oil showed 41,182 contaminates at 2-microns in size, the post-Frantz dirty oil showed just 1,641 2-micron particles. That’s a reduction of 96% without actually changing the oil. Interestingly enough, before dumping in 15-qts. of brand new Shell Rotella T, it was also tested and showed 1,818 contaminate particles right out of the jug. So the 4, 900-mile Frantz filtered oil was actually cleaner than brand-new oil being added. DW

Frantz Filter, LTD