McNeil racing’s cure for the older body style blues
McNeil racing’s cure for the older body style blues
So you want a newer model Super Duty—get in line with the rest of us. It’s nice to have the latest and greatest of everything, but when it comes to larger purchases, it’s usually smart to stick to the old adage, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Well, there’s nothing in the rulebook about converting and upgrading, now is there? McNeil Racing understands there are shortcuts to getting what you want, which is why its ’10 Ford Super Duty fiberglass conversion has been so popular among 1999-2006 F-350 owners.
Transforming the truck you’re already driving into something that looks newer and more aggressive isn’t a magic trick. The guys at McNeil Racing have mastered the art of fiberglass, and now offer a complete Super Duty conversion kit that includes new fenders, hood, grille, headlights and mounting brackets. With one phone call, you can have what it takes to make the change to the later body style Super Duty, and the majority of the kit is completely bolt-on. You won’t need to do any heavy fabricating or apply for a loan to afford McNeil’s kit; you just may have enough dough already stashed aside to pull the trigger on one today. But if not, Christmas and tax refund time are right around the corner. Follow along as the guys at Pro Design Custom Shop in Santa Ana, California pump up the style points on their ’01 F-350. DW

McNeil Racing
Pro Design Hot Rods