Planning Ahead: Head Studs on a 6.4L
One thing most of us can agree on as diesel owners is that we’ve all been down that road, you know the one where our truck is getting a little hot pulling that grade with our toy hauler in tow, coolant starting to spray out of the reservoir cap or even worse, fuel in our coolant.
All of these symptoms are, for the most part, a sign of a head gasket failure. With the changes to newer model trucks including higher horsepower/torque numbers which leads to an increase in drive pressure it will continue to be an issue that will not go away. Today we will focus on the 6.4 Power Stroke; with its compound turbochargers system and dual egr coolers it is a recipe for head gasket disaster. Ford has come a long way from the 6.0 TTY (torque to yield) head bolts by switching to factory installed larger head bolts (16mm) torqued to 165 lb-ft, but they are still not perfect. In the interest of going for perfection we are turning to Alliant Power and their 6.4 head gasket kit to help us solve the last weak point. On this particular vehicle we have previously addressed a number of the common 6.4 concerns including replacing the EGR coolers with both horizontal and vertical Bulletproof Diesel EGR coolers, we’ve replaced the oil cooler, and replaced the high pressure fuel pump which are all fairly common failure points of the 6.4 Power Stroke so today we will we will put the last piece in the puzzle.
We turned to the pros at Bud’s Diesel in Orange County, California and two of their technicians Hector Lezama and Julio Lezama to install Alliant Power’s complete 6.4 head gasket kit. As we unboxed the kit from Alliant Power we can tell they have done their homework as far as components necessary to complete the repair are concerned, they have included components that others have left out. The contents include ARP head studs, head gaskets, exhaust manifold gaskets, rocker box gaskets, valve cover gaskets, 8 injector seal kits with fuel lines, intake gasket kit for egr system, complete turbo mounting kit, and oil cooler gaskets. This is truly a complete head gasket “kit” in a box with all parts needed to complete the job included. DW

Fuel in Oil
Due to the regeneration system of the 6.4 Power Stroke it is very common for the presence of excessive amounts of fuel in your engine oil. Fuel robs all lubricity from the engine oil and can cause catastrophic engine damage (Pictured). The most common part that fails are the hydraulic lifters which in turn will damage the camshaft causing groves or flat spots which will start the slippery slope of engine failures. The best course of action for any 6.4 owner is to change your oil more frequently and check oil levels often in between oil changes.