Cab Removal: ’08-’10 6.4L Power Strokes
We’ve all seen our fair share of cabs being lifted off of ’03-’07 Ford trucks over the years. For 6.0L Power Stroke owners, it’s basically become a way of life anytime a major engine repair is required (namely head gaskets)—and things didn’t change once the ’08-’10 Super Duty’s hit the scene. With even less working room under the hood, cab removal is all but necessary in order for any type of extensive engine work to take place on the 6.4L Power Stroke. Blown head gaskets, cracked up-pipes, and even high-pressure fuel pump, oil cooler, and turbo replacement can all warrant the separation of the cab from the frame on these trucks.
But, like the 6.0L, most engine work on the 6.4L can be performed cab-on. So why do the pro’s pull the cab? The key—along with how the Ford workshop manual justifies the cab-off procedure on the ’08-’10 trucks—is efficiency. Due to extremely tight quarters, most issues can be addressed quicker and in a more thorough manner with the cab out of the way. While cab removal is always best left to a professional shop, we know a ton of you have contemplated pulling the cab yourselves. This month’s step-by-step article is intended to help the novice-to-mid-level mechanic tackle the job—provided he or she has access to a lift. We think you’ll find that while it’s a highly involved process it’s not quite as intimidating as it seems. DW

Step 1. First things first, position the truck where you’ll want it to be once it’s time to lift the cab—because after you tear into the truck you won’t be able to start it to maneuver it around. When you have the truck where you want it, leave the transmission in Neutral. Then disconnect the battery cables and (where applicable) all aftermarket accessory wiring. The wire shown here was being used to power this particular truck’s HID head lights. Now is also an opportune time to drain all engine coolant.

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