Squarebodies Getting Well-Deserved Respect

The ’90s was a very weird time for American culture. The cars from the ’90s went through a weird design phase, which eventually led to the streamlined aesthetic delivered from the 2000s. While the cars may have looked bizarre, the trucks looked great because they preserved their boxy frame while getting the newer streamlined aesthetic upgrades peppered in. These trucks are commonly referred to as “square-bodies” because of there frame shape. These 90’s trucks are truly a landmark for American automotive engineering before the heavy switch post-Y2K. Here are five trucks from the ’90s that perform exceptionally across all disciplines including performance, style, comfort, and efficiency.


Built Right: ’99 Dodge 2500

Miles Flight’s 22 Year-Old ’94 Dodge Ram

A Decade Worth Of Upgrades On A 1996 Dodge


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