Enter The Truck Of The Month Contest

Diesel World Reader’s Rides Truck of The Month sponsored by Shell Rotella

Be a part of the Diesel World Truck Of The Month Contest!

Trucks; we all love looking at them, making them work hard, and making them play hard. We love our trucks.

Now you have the chance for others to love your truck with the Diesel World Reader’s Rides Truck Of The Month sponsored by Shell Rotella.

Submit your photos and a brief description on dieselworldmag.com. The Diesel World staff will select our favorites and then everyone will have a chance to vote for the Diesel World Reader’s Rides Truck of The Month. Winners will get a feature article in a future Diesel World magazine and be automatically entered in the Diesel World Shell Rotella Truck Of The Year contest.
Get your rig on the cover of Diesel World magazine. Enter today!
Submit your Ride.

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