Dyno Proven Open House, Dyno Day and Drag Racing In North Georgia

Dyno Proven Open House, Dyno Day and Drag Racing In North Georgia

Shops host open house events for a number of reasons, including to help their customers get to know them better and to show off their shop skills, products and capabilities. In 2014, Dyno Proven hosted its first open house and dyno day, to celebrate its new location in North Georgia, as well as its recent name change from No Limit Tuning & Design to Dyno Proven.

For this year’s event, the Dyno Proven crew was hoping for warmer weather, so it opted to hold the event on March 27-28, 2015. Like last year, the shop hosted an invitation-only VIP lunch on Friday, along with a few dyno sessions. Unlike last year, when the sun began to dip low in the sky, the group lined their trucks up in front of the shop for a parade over to the nearby Brainerd Optimist Dragstrip for some fun 1/8-mile drag racing action. Saturday would focus on dyno activities at the shop.

Caylon Golden’s 2000 Ford F250 standard cab short bed is a work in progress, with mismatched body panels and some serious exhaust leaks. It still managed to belt out nearly 650hp to the delight of the crowd.
Brad Edwards brought out his new first-gen Dodge to play with the rest of us on the track. It didn’t set the world on fire, but he had fun and looked good doing it. We’re sure he’ll be improving the performance of his clean rig soon.
Steven Davis made the best diesel passes of the night with his ’97 F250 tripping the lights in the low 7-second range at more than 90 mph.
The crew at Dyno Proven just completed the performance upgrades on Brian Jones’ dark green F250 making more than 600hp on the dyno Friday afternoon. He backed up the performance at the track Friday night with several low 8-second, 1/8-mile passes down the strip.

The Drags

Despite scattered, light rainfall during the drive over to the dragstrip, the track surface dried quickly and drivers were able to enjoy a couple hours of Friday night drags. Since it was an open test-‘n’-tune session, the diesel truck group from Dyno Proven was running with and against many of the track regulars and their gas-powered drag cars. As we expected, many of the fast diesel trucks showed the gassers their taillights with some passes in the low 7-second range and speeds in the 90s through the traps. In other cases, the big, heavy diesel trucks came out on the losing end of the dragstrip battles, but the drivers had tons of fun, nonetheless.

Dyno Day

Saturday morning started out cool but not too cold, and the sky was clear and sunny throughout the day, making it a great day for some good ol’ diesel fun. The Dyno Proven crew had its Dyno Dynamics chassis dyno set up behind the shop in the rear driveway. The crew allowed owners to back right up to the ramps, then the dyno staff would pull the trucks onto the rollers and strap them down before the dyno pulls. Each truck was allowed up to three dyno pulls with their best run logged on the leader board for all to see.

Jesse Mills’ 2008 GMC sports a bright white monochrome look with a love-it-or-hate-it wheel and tire combination and stance. The Duramax delivered a healthy 464hp to the rollers through the stretched rear tires.
The dyno drew attention from spectators throughout the event. Cody Dawson’s big ’05 Ford put a respectable 400-plus horsepower to the rollers through his large Toyo tires.
Dyno Proven crewmember PJ Masterson got to play on the track with one of the shop trucks.
Golden also had this ultra-clean 1997 F250 on hand and decided to make a few dyno pulls with it as well.
Dylan Moon’s 2005 Dodge blasted large plumes of smoke into the air as he laid down a solid run of more than 750hp.

Raffled off

One of the highlights of this year’s event was a pair of raffle contests that were open to all in attendance. A $20 ticket purchase entered attendees in the drawing for six cool diesel performance items, including a Honey Badger HPOP, Brute 66 Turbo, Stage 1 Turbo, Full Fuel System, Holder’s 6.0L Injector Set and an AutoCal with EFILive tunes. They also had a separate $40 ticket raffle for an Allison, Dodge or Ford performance automatic transmission build.

This truck will be familiar to regular Diesel World readers—it’s my personal truck. The desert-bound Chevy lay down 469hp on the dyno Saturday afternoon.
The most powerful Duramax truck of the day was Jacob Stevens’ 2006 Chevy with over 500hp.
Ryan Parker’s 2006 Dodge ruled the day on the dyno with more than 850hp put to the rear wheels.

After the raffle drawings were completed, the focus turned back to the dyno where Parker laid down his 850-plus horsepower run to take command of the dyno chart. Moon’s second place dyno run also came in the afternoon as well as Stevens’ Duramax topping dyno run of more than 500hp.

Everyone in attendance seemed to have a great time and the Dyno Proven crew showed once again that Southern Hospitality is alive and well. If you are in the area for the 2016 event, you should stop by and join the festivities. Throughout the year, if you want to spend some time on the dyno or upgrade the performance of your diesel rig, give the Dyno Proven team a call; the crew will take good care of you. Be sure to tell them your friends at Diesel World referred you. DW

Brainerd Optimist Dragstrip
(706) 891.9831

Dyno Proven
(706) 841.2496

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