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Fifth Annual Dyno Competition

Fifth Annual Dyno Competition

Parents instill values in their kids. We’re taught to be fair to one another and not to judge one another by what we have or may not have. On the path of life, this makes perfect sense, but the folks at Thoroughbred Diesel have their own take on judgment. 

No credible diesel event would be complete without a huge turnout of vendors.

Winchester, Kentucky, once again played host to the fifth annual Judgment Day Dyno Competition held by Thoroughbred Diesel. Fans and competitors alike travel from miles around, even states away, to compete for the top prize of $750 in three different classes: Stock, 2.6 and Unlimited. Festivities kicked off bright and early with the first truck on the rollers at 7:30 a.m. As the day progressed, what was once a performance shop has been transformed into a stadium for diesel enthusiasts and it’s standing room only.

A very competitive Stock class started the day, rolling into the lunch hour with the 2008 F-250 of Travis Bubar sitting atop the leader board with a combined total, that is horsepower and torque added together, of 1,723.5. At Judgment Day, horsepower is not the only deciding factor. If you want to take home the big money you must be able to lay down an impressive torque number too. As mentioned before, this was a very tight class, tight enough that one-tenth of the combined total decided first and second. Wade Howard of Oak Hill, Ohio, laid down an impressive 1,200.1 lb/ft of torque but fell short in the horsepower category with 523.3 totaling 1,723.4, one-tenth out of first place. How’s that for competition? Rounding out the top three in the Stock division was James Cline and his 2006 Dodge with a combined total of 1,708.5.

Between classes, spectators had the chance to check out the many vendors on hand, such as BD Power, Flo-Pro Exhaust, Industrial Injection, AirDog and many more, as well as sign up for some family-friendly events like the corn hole tournament. Questioning the growth of the event, social marketing manager Adam Craig tells us that, “to Thoroughbred and the staff, it’s not about how many more showed up compared to last year’s show, but more importantly the ability to extend a family-like atmosphere to the crowd during their stop at the Judgment Day event.” That they have certainly done as the crowds keep flocking back to Kentucky each fall.

This year’s event marked another record turnout of both participants and spectators.
Participants lined up as early as 7:30 a.m. and included this clean Dodge MegaCab owned by Jeffery Bryant.

Back to the action, rolling into the 2.6 class means a bigger turbo, more fueling options, and more power as a result of the first two. With a field of 21 trucks there’s sure to be some that stand out. Kyle Bryant and Edgar Robinson did just that. Both with first-gen body-style Dodges, they’ve added their own touches, much like all diesel enthusiasts do. Edgar brought us an ’89 D150 with a Cummins swap, 62mm turbo and a VE-style injection pump. Kyle sports a clean first-gen dually with a stack setup that’s sure to catch anyone’s eye. Four stacks, two on each side and staggered in height, provide a custom touch not often seen. Both trucks fell short of the top of their class on the dyno with a combined number on both rigs of 2,363.3, just 222.2 points above our 2.6 winner Andrew Pope who had a total of 2,141.1. The moral of the story here is that you don’t have to be fast to look good. Edgar ensures us that he’ll be back next year for a more competitive dyno run. Finishing up the top three in 2.6 are Justin Anderson in a 2001 Chevy 2500 with a total of 2,133.4 and Travis Payne with a total of 2,118.4.

Wade Howard of Oak Hill, Ohio, took second place honors in the Stock class.
No dyno day coverage would be complete without the obligatory black smoke coming from the building photo.

With rain on the horizon, the Thoroughbred crew rolled right into the Unlimited class with a field of 16 high-powered trucks jockeying for top position. Possibly the cleanest truck of the day, with high expectations, was Brandon Ward and his 2012 Ram 2500 complete with a Steed Speed second-gen manifold, deletes across the board, S472 turbo and H&S tuning. Tyler Tussey, also looking for the win, put down an impressive combined total of 2,558.2 in his 2005 Dodge, falling short to Patrick Cummins and his 2010 F-350 with the winning total of 2,614. Winding out the top three was Jonathon Corbin and his 2005 Dodge with a total of 2,418.1.

Edgar Robinson rolled out his clean, lowered ’89 D150 to complete in the 2.6 class.

As the 2013 edition of Judgment Day came to a close, the Thoroughbred staff had successfully put 67 trucks across the rollers, breaking some hearts and lighting up some faces at the same time. For more information on next year’s event, contact the folks at Thoroughbred Diesel at 877-622-6022 or visit their website at
www.thoroughbreddiesel.com. DW

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