One of the year’s biggest (and first) dyno events comes from the majestic mountains of Colorado in the form of ATS Diesel Performance’s Let it Roll dyno event and Gauntlet Challenge shootout. This event brings in high horsepower trucks from all over the West, and is one of the few places where four-digit power numbers are the norm.
In addition to the challenge, there’s also a number of other classes hosted by the Northwest Dyno Circuit. If you had a truck there was a class for it; single and twin-turbo classes as well as the fire-breathing nitrous monsters in Unlimited. While the Gauntlet was the big draw, there were a number of other ways to compete in the event on the mountain.
By far one of the most interesting classes was the Stock Turbo class, which mandates that the trucks run the factory turbocharger, and doesn’t even allow upgraded compressor wheels. In addition to the truck-to-truck competition, there’s also a fairly heated rivalry between makes, as Ford, Dodge, and GM go head-to-head. After the smoke settled, it was Colorado native Zack Hunnel and his Duramax-powered Chevy on the top of the heap, with a 577-hp dyno pull. Next up was the Ford contingent and Tanner Frank, who put down 563 hp to the tires. In a surprising Third were the Dodge boys, with Andrew Everett cranking out a 535-hp dyno run.
In addition to the stock classes, there were also a number of classes restricted by number of turbos and turbo size. In order they were Small Single, Large Single, Small Twin, and Large Twin. In Edge Products Small Single it was Danny Alsop’s Dodge that took the win, by cranking out 745 hp to the tires. Large Single saw a very impressive performance by Joshua McCormack’s Dodge with a single Forced Inductions S488 that laid down and incredible 1,325 rwhp for First place. With the single classes in the bag, there was still Small and Big Twin to decide, along with the Unlimited Class, which allowed the use of nitrous oxide and water-methanol injection.
The competition in Screamin’ Diesel Performance’s Small Twin was fierce, as Myer Stump and Orvis Nygaard were only 30 hp away from each other at the top. In the end it was Wyoming’s Nygaard who took the win, with a 1,091-hp pull. Big Twin also saw the two top trucks break the 1,000-hp mark, with Bryce Nicolson’s Dodge hitting 1,224 hp turned down (or so he says). The real big numbers were in Unlimited though, as Trent Hibbard put an outstanding 1,536 hp to the rollers, only to get outdone by Tyler Baker’s mega-HP Dodge, with a wild 1,595-hp pull.

As if this wasn’t all exciting enough, there was still the big dogs in ATS Diesel’s Gauntlet challenge left to go. With a $500 buy-in, folks had to be serious about winning, and those willing to take the challenge included 7 Dodges and 1 lone Chevy. Other than the Stock Turbo class, it had been a Dodge domination so far, but word was that owner Kody Pulliam had his Duramax set on kill. To keep people from putting grenades on the dyno, there was also a rule that trucks had to drive off the dyno under its own power, which led to some interesting results. Horsepower and torque were also averaged for an overall score, which meant that a broad powerband was crucial, not just a peak number.

Unfortunately, two trucks bit the dust via the DQ rule, as Todd Welch and Power Driven Diesel were able to manage a whopping 2,030-hp and 2,448 lb-ft with their monster 12-valve, only to have the converter bolts sheer off, which made the truck impossible to move. Skler Oestrich also fell to carnage, after putting down 1,350 hp to the tires and exploding the turbo. In Sixth place and at the top of the running trucks was Gus Jacobsen’s ‘06 Dodge, which made 1,069 hp and 1,394 lb-ft to the tires. At Fifth and a huge power bump up was Devin Dahlin, who stomped the dyno in his ‘06 Dodge (again) with a 1,580-hp dyno pull that registered 1,844 lb-ft of torque. Fourth was also an ‘06 Dodge (owned by Steven Lucero) which made 1,373 hp, but a whopping 2,163 lb-ft.

Nitrous makes huge torque numbers, and we have a feeling the top three were spraying pretty hard. In Third was Chris Patterson’s ‘07 Dodge which made 1,343 hp, but a hefty 2,659 lb-ft, which bumped up his overall score. Second was Dustin Davis (also in a Dodge) who made 1,499 hp, along with 2,651 lb-ft. If you’re keeping track, that means that all the Dodges are gone, and there’s only one truck left: the GM. Kody Pulliam pulled out the win in his Duramax with a 1,638-hp pull, along with an incredible 2,825 lb-ft of torque. In a sea of Dodges, it was a Duramax for the win.

If you’re a fan of diesels, there was no place better than the ATS Let It Roll dyno day. With more than 100 trucks spinning the rollers, the party went on late into the night, as good food and diesel dyno smoke warmed up the cold Colorado evening. Performance was alive and well in the Rocky Mountains, and we congratulate Kody on his big win, and pocket full of $4,000 in cash!