Ford 10R140 TorqShift Vs. GM 10L1000 Allison

Ford 10R140 TorqShift Vs. GM 10L1000 Allison

Ford 10R140 Vs. GM 10L1000 Allison

Curious which truck maker produces the stronger version of what amounts to be very similar 10-speed automatic transmissions? In short, Ford’s 10R140 is superior in nearly every way to GM’s 10L1000 Allison. Per a detailed teardown of Ford’s 10R140 by the folks at Randy’s Transmissions, a few key advantages were discovered in the TorqShift. For one, it boasts twice the filtering capacity of the 10L1000. In addition, the transmission pump is twice the size, the F clutch teeth in the drum are much beefier (the 10L’s wear into the drum), and the F clutches themselves have a lot more surface area. Finally, the E clutches last much longer in the Ford slush box and the 10R’s drum is anodized (for added strength) while the Allison’s is not.


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