Power Stroke Problem Solvers
Fixing The Most Common Woes Of The 6.0 Diesel
When Ford introduced the 6.0L Power Stroke diesel in 2003, it was revolutionary in design, and offered more power with lower emissions. However, it began to show signs of being temperamental and had some reliability issues that resulted in a bad reputation. The truth is that many of these issues were addressed by the factory in later model years, and the aftermarket was also quick to offer solutions. Truth be told, if you own a 6.0 Power Stroke-equipped Ford truck, there are solutions for all of the potential issues, and a few simple upgrades can add reliability and extend the service life of your 6.0 Power Stroke for years to come.

Sinister Diesel offers a “Complete Solutions” kit for the 6.0L Power Stroke diesel. It contains the parts required to address the most common woes of the 6.0 in one package. APR head bolts and factory head gaskets help address blown head gaskets on high-mile rigs. Since the factory head bolts are Torque To Yield units that must be replaced anytime the heads are removed, the cost of the ARP studs is well worth the added reliability they provide. A new updated oil cooler and oil cooler screen kit bring your engine up to the latest version available. Best of all, a newly designed EGR cooler that offers better flow than the OEM part is standard with this kit. When delving this deep, you’ll also be taking off the heads, and new OEM-quality head gaskets are included too. For our head work, Bud’s Diesel provided a top quality set of remanufactured heads, sending our old units in as cores to be rebuilt for someone else’s 6.0.

We performed our upgrades on a second-hand Excursion that was now a troop transporter and grocery getter for one of our team member’s family. The teardown showed that while the 6.0L engine was in fair shape, a few items were well on the way to reaching their expiration date. This preventative maintenance not only makes a tow home less likely, it also adds peace of mind on those long family trips. Follow along and we’ll show you the highlights of this upgrade mission. This is more than an afternoon’s task, and unless you have some specialty tools and a lift, you may want to consider having a great local shop undertake the task. Then you can use your vacation time enjoying your truck, rather than wrenching on it. Unless getting elbow deep in an engine is what you do to relax on vacation. DW
Sinister Diesel
Bud’s Diesel