Boost Juice
In-Depth Testing: Snow Performance Water Methanol Injection
What is water-methanol injection and how does it apply to me? By injecting a mixture of water and methanol into your engine’s intake, you can reduce your exhaust gas temperatures by up to 300 degrees; increase horsepower by up to 75 hp; increase miles per gallon; reduce tailpipe emissions; and reduce DPF regeneration cycles significantly. All while providing safe, reliable power.
While it’s only become a hot topic in the diesel performance industry in the last several years it’s not new technology at all. During WWII, the US military injected a mixture of “water and alcohol” into the intakes of P-47 Thunderbolts, which netted them an extra 400 horsepower for takeoffs and dogfights. This extra power also came with the added benefit of reduced fuel usage when the system was turned on. Which was something these thirsty rotary engines really needed when escorting bombers over long distances. In prior testing with our 7.3L Power Stroke using Snow Performance’s MPG Max kit, we netted an extra 53 horsepower across the powerband, 1-2 mpg gained on flat roads and 9 mpg added on hills, all with EGTs so low we didn’t bother worrying about them at any time. No joke, we saw a maximum of 900 degrees from the pyrometer when towing 10,000 lbs up a 6% grade at 65 mph.

provide a bit of overkill in the sealing department.

For this issue we’ll be installing Snow Performance’s Boost Cooler on Project Mundane, a 2008 LMM Duramax-equipped Chevy. Project Mundane isn’t really as boring as it sounds, but with all the over-the-top, high-horsepower builds we’ve been doing lately we figured we were past due for an “everyman’s build.” Project Mundane will be the perfect daily driver/weekend warrior once it’s done and the added benefits from a little bit of water-methanol injection are perfect for this truck. In this issue you’ll see the install, but make sure to check future issues of Diesel World where we’ll share our long-term test results. We’re expecting to see some great things from this LMM with its new Snow Performance system. Stay tuned. DW